July 25, 6 pm
Galerie der Künstler*innen. Maximilianstr. 42

With the exhibition TACKER 2024 / PRESELECTION, the Tackerstation in the Galerie der Künstler*innen will also be opening on 25 July 2024 at 6 pm.

TACKERBLÄTTER picks up on the highlight-like staging of the artistic positions of the exhibition concept and lets the stapler needles fly through the sheets!

The risographically printed staple sheets show a draft, excerpt or image of each of the artists’ exhibited works, supplemented by an artist’s statement. The sheets can be wildly combined and stapled to create a wide variety of collections that invite you to return and look at the works in detail.

Stapleless, office or hand staplers – with a wide variety of staplers, the risographs placed in the exhibition space become an active design tool for stapling together your own individual staple sheet collection.

Collect, staple, cut out and re-sort – TSCHK-TSCHK!

TACKERBLÄTTER is a print-based mediation format by our trainee Laura Osbild for the exhibition spaces of BBK München und Oberbayern e.V

Further information about the exhibition can be found under the following link!

Participating artists:

Danilo Bastione, Lola Cuallado , Veronika Günther, Max Hanisch, Stefan Holzmair, Marile Holzner, Frida Kato, Mariella Maier, Kristina Schmidt, Ayaka Terajima, Torres, Jospeh Maurus Wandinger, Maxine Weiss, Esther Zahel