Annegret Bleisteiner

*1968 in Passau


1987 – 92
Art education and contemporary art at the Nuremberg Academy of Fine Arts with Hans Peter Reuter and Werner Knaupp

1992 – 99
Art at the Düsseldorf Art Academy with Konrad Klapheck and Rosemarie Trockel
Master Degree

1993 – 94
Undergraduate Painting Program Dickinson College Carlisle, USA

Scholarships, Residencies and Grants

Scholarship at the summer academy Fondazione Ratti with Antonio López Garcia and Antonio Saura

1992 – 93
Scholarship and Travel Grant to the Czech Republic, Canada, Israel, Korea and Bulgaria

Studio grant from the City of Munich
Scholarship, artist-in-residence program, Prösitz (Leipzig, Germany)

Publishing grant from the Bavarian State Grant from the Lfa Förderbank Munich
Scholarship from the Erwin and Gisela von Steiner-Stiftung
Grant from the Lfa Förderbank Munich
Publishung Grant WAVE OFF, Book Release, Munich

Scholarship, artist-in-residence program, Denkmalschmiede Höfgen (Leipzig,Germany)

Grant from the State of Bavaria to Realize Equal 0pportunities for Women in Research and Teaching

Scholarship, artist in residency program, Golart Art Foundation
Publishung Grant RishART, Munich

Residency Nelimarkka Museo Finland
Travel Grant International Relations Finland, Helsnki and Italy, Rom Macro

Residency Arthouse Netherlands Leiden
Travel Grant and Residency Netherlands Amsterdam and Maastricht

Photo: Manuel Nieberle