Mai 5 - June 25, 2021
Workshop 22 March 2021
Exhibition Hall of PLATFORM @Kistlerhofstraße 70

With the project Fe-mini-ism, our trainee Lotte van den Hoogen wants to inspire people to unite with each other by sharing and spreading personal stories about feminist issues. These stories are presented in mini-zines by participants during workshops.

Zines are fan magazines handmade by amateurs that are especially popular in subcultures. They are characterised by low-cost and personal production and design methods such as a photocopier.

The mini-zines will be reproduced after the workshops and handed out via a former tampon machine in the hall of PLATFORM for a donation. The action will be part of the exhibition “Paradise Lost #gender shift”.

The workshop on 22 March is open to all interested parties. Two other workshops are specifically aimed at the local feminist communities SLUTWALK MUNICH and GIRLS RULE.

The workshops will be run by Lotte van den Hoogen and Julia Koschler from the MUNICH ZINE LIBRARY.

100% of the donations raised will go to the participating organisations.

To the Instagram account of FE-MINI-ISM

A repurposed tampon vending machine, which sells litte zines is shwon from the side
A big hall is Shown. At the far end hangs a black curtain with big rainbow dots, in front of that a black Leather couch stands. The light is very colorfull and in teh room are 4 big Swiss balls each in an different colour, pink, blue, rainbow, clear and dark red suede. the zine evnding machine hangs on the left Wall.