In contrast to the dusty image of the static archive, the exhibition re:working archives shows young artists who work with archives, reworking, reworking and reworking them. In doing so, they create their own archives, change already existing ones or work with what is left behind. In the PLATFORM hall, an artistic range of epistemic diversity and alternative collections will be on display, setting the past and the future in motion. In addition, representative loans from independent (non-governmental) archives that bring their archival materials into an exchange with the artworks and visitors are part of the exhibition. The exhibition unites artistic and social positions that research in archives, function as archives themselves, collect lost knowledge and confront the past from the present. On display are works that view history and its archiving as an unfinished construct.
Please note that the 3G rule applies to the visit (proof of vaccination, recovery or negative corona test). In addition, FFP2 masks are compulsory. The exhibition hall is subject to a person limit.
Subject to change due to current Corona measures. Information available on social media and the website.
Curator: Julia Anna Wittmann
Participating artists:
Dominik Bais, Cana Bilir-Meier, Jonah Gebka, Philipp Gufler, Hyesun Jung, Participating archives: AAP Archive Artist Publications, Forum Queeres Archiv München e.V.
Wednesday, 2 February, 6 pm
Vernissage with a live performance by Dominik Bais in collaboration with Clara Hilscher and Sofia Pomeroy and the Archive of the Academy of Fine Arts Munich at 7 pm.
Friday, 18 February, 6 pm
Finissage with a live performance by Dominik Bais, Clara Hilscher, Sofia Pomeroy and the Archive of the Academy of Fine Arts Munich at 7 pm.