Our next lecture programme starts in October 2024. The events on the topic ‘Form Gangs! Collective work and political alliances in art’ are published now. All lectures will take place online as usual and are free of charge.

It is not only since the last Documenta that the collective in art has experienced a renaissance, at least in the public perception. In fact, artists have been coming together in groups for centuries to realise common ideas, share solidarity and care and fight for the space that art deserves. In this year’s lectures, we will present associations, collectives and other organisations and provide the audience with tools to found their own communities and engage collectively. From the question of which legal forms collectives are best to choose today, to the theory and history of collective art creation, to the presentation of existing associations that are committed to fair working conditions and against marginalisation in the art world. In addition to these focal points, we will again be focussing on art in architecture and providing information on the possibilities of international cooperation.

UPDATE is an advanced training programme for visual artists and cultural managers in cooperation with PLATFORM and the Berufsverband Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler München und Oberbayern e.V. (BBK).

You can subscribe here. Two lectures will be held in English and four will be held in German

UPDATE is an education series for visual artists and cultural managers in cooperation with PLATFORM and the Professional Association of Visual Artists Munich and Upper Bavaria e.V. (BBK).

To receive a notification, sign up for our newsletter. Please note that for the time being the PLATFORM Newsletter is in German only.


Currently there aren't any announcements for lectures.


Further information (in German only)